Friday, August 14, 2009

Testing mobile updates

So I am sitting here at the park listening to the Grant Park Orchestra play Beethoven's 9 and realized this would be a good time to test posting to the baby blog via my phone! I figure that during the delivery I can use this to update the most people at once and that it will be interesting to see later on what I was going through during the whole thing not to mention what Fatima will be going through...!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Doctors Appointment - Week 8

We went to our first Obstetrician appointment today and got to meet our baby formally at the end of a Ultrasound wand! It is pretty crazy how these techs are able to find anything resembling anything in particular. When she was like "theirs your baby", I was like what are you looking at because all I see is a speck mixed in with some white stuff. I wanted to grab a paper towel and some Windex to make sure the screen was clean and that I wasn't missing what she was seeing. But, sure enough that's our baby and according to the doc He/She is doing fine and about the size of a prune.

Speaking of the doc, our doctor seems very cool and knowledgeable. She gave us a big blue folder that was busting at the seams with good information for Fatima and I to peruse. It is amazing how much you need to know to bring a kid into this world. We already started reading one book and the insurance company gave us the Mayo Clinic book and the doctors office gave us another one. I guess there is no such thing as to informed. Fatima was very excited to meet the doctor and she really turned out to be a great choice for us. You could tell that she liked what she was doing and that she enjoyed meeting new patients and going through all the info that we would need to know. She was also impressed that we had some good questions for her. I guess not to many people (men) come into her office bringing any value or curiosity to the table, which is really sad.. Anyways, everything went really well and our next appointment will be September 8th. We don't know the sex of the baby yet and won't until week 20! We will keep you posted!