Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Carpet Coming Soon!

So, the carpet guy came and we decided to go ahead and get the carpet done in the master bedroom and nursery. It was really bad and really needed to be done. We decided on "Taupe Mist" for both bedrooms. It has a good mix of durability and not being to light of a color which we think will help with the wear and possible accidents with the baby coming. We are looking forward to the padding as well. The guy was shocked when he stood on our current carpet and wasn't even sure that there was padding at all, it is that hard. Anyway, we look forward to getting this done so we can start setting up the room and get the crib in there and out of the living room! It gets installed next Saturday and we will be sure to take some pictures and share them here when it is done.


  1. be sure to put the crib together in the bedroom.... we learned the hard way. :o) It doesnt exactly fit through the door when it is all assembled.


  2. Yeah, we are going to wait till the carpet is in. I looked up the dimensions and the width was exactly the same as the door way width. We are pretty excited about getting it in and setup! I will make sure we put up some pictures once the carpet is in and the crib is setup!
