Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another Doctors Appointment

Ok, I guess we are in full gear here with the doctors appointments and are now going every 2 weeks. This last one on Monday was with another of the 4 doctors that comprise the practice our primary OB works at. It is nice that they have that arrangement and that we can meet all the doctors that possibly will be delivering our baby. Everything went well with the visit, the doctor answered some questions we had like when should we feel the baby's kicks and jabs from the outside (this month) and what the next steps are going to be with the pregnancy. We also found out that our OB, Dr. King is only working part time with the practice now because her husband got and moved to a job in St. Louis.. Who intentionally moves to St. Louis? Anyway, so now our Doctor of choice will most likely not be the one to deliver our baby (very upsetting). On another note we have another appointment in 2 weeks where Fatima will have to do the 1-hour glucose challenge where she will have her glucose levels check to see if she has Gestational Diabetes. I guess that it is not uncommon for a pregnant women to get this during pregnancy. We will see what the results tell us, hopefully we are in the clear on this front.

Yesterday we received a package from soon to be Grandparents Wesley. They sent us a bunch of bedding and baby boy cloths, they also sent us the bedding set complete with a mobile for the crib. Thanks a lot grandma! We took some pictures and I will post them in the next few days. Fatima also got a nice onuses with teddy bears on it from her boss at work, thanks Diane!

On the name front, here are a few more that I was looking at: Conlon, Aden, Jude, and Mason.


  1. This is baby mama...I don't remember hearing any of those names, escpecially Conlon! That one is definetly out. I don't want anyone calling our son Colon because people will misread his name and call him Colon! LOL

  2. Hey guys! Fatima- I dont know if you plan on nursing but I just found a great deal on nursing covers for when you are out and about. go to and chose the style you like. Enter the promo code "christmas" and you get a free cover! All you have to do is pay $9 shipping. :o)


  3. our runner up boy name was Levi :o) There is my contribution to the name decision.
