Monday, January 25, 2010

32 weeks and counting!

So, we went to the Doctor's office today for what seems like one of a trillion doctors appointments. I think that after this I will have gotten over my white coat syndrome.. Anyway, we had another ultrasound and everything is looking good! Unfortunately, Fatima is so good at making a baby that our 32 week old son is 5 pounds 4 ounces, putting him on track for delivery of about 8-9 pounds. Needless to say, she is not looking forward to having to deliver that much child! Here are some pictures from todays ultrasound.

Not sure if I mentioned this but our doctor, Doctor King, is moving to St Louis and therefore will not be around for the delivery. So, we are mostly seeing the other three doctors in the practice. We really like 2 of the doctors, Dr. Chen and Dr. Hikemein. The other doctor, Dr. Beyer isn't very personable and always seems to be mad or upset about something. So I guess we have a 66.6% chance of having a doctor deliver Ethan that we like.. Keep your fingers crossed!

On another note, I have decided that I am going to do a virtual tour of the nursery once we have all the furniture in place and everything hung up on the wall. I found this website that explains how to do it. You basically create a panoramic photo by stitching together a bunch of pictures then use a utility on MAC to turn it into a video! Once everything is done I will post it.

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