Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Diaper Genie: Check!

We went to the Baby Superstore (aka Babys-R-Us) and got a few things to spruce up the nursery on Sunday. We went with the thought that we would get the dresser ordered and maybe the Diaper Genie and a few other misc items. Well, that didn't happen! We ended up getting just about everything we needed to decorate the room and a few other random items. We left with a new crib set and matching clock, light switch plate, hamper, mobile, valence, changing pad cover, and something else that I am forgetting I am sure. We also got a bath, changing pad, and some other misc things. Here is a quick picture of the nursery so far.

As you can see by the letters on the shelf above the crib we have settled on a name, Ethan Vincent Lake!  We have also decided to do a mural on the wall to the right of the crib of a tree with a boy hanging from a branch. Here is an example of what we want to do! As you can see I think the Monkey theme is working nicely! Let us know what you think or if there is anything you think might look nice as well!

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