Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Mural part 2

So we have started to paint the mural in the Nursery. So far so good! I picked up a few supplies like a 4 foot level, pencil, paint (acrylic from the art store and interior paint from Home Depot). The I started by drawing a grid on the wall, 1' by 1', to help with drawing out the picture. After I was finished drawing out the picture I started to paint the monkey:

The monkey turned out really good as you can see! Next we started working on the tree, which due to the intricacies associated with all the tips of the branches and the fact that due to the paint on the wall we had to do at least two coats, this took a considerable amount of time. In the end though I think it turned out really good!

We have the leaves and some touch up wall paint to get rid of the grid lines but then we will be done! I will keep you posted!

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